
A Sample Agenda for a Teachers’ Meeting

By |October 12, 2022|Staff Meetings|

As an educator, your main focus is teaching generations to come. However, it’s not your only job requirement. Teachers are expected to attend and even hold teacher meetings. This is often a point of stress for educators. Why? Teachers' meetings mean you’ll be collaborating with a group of your peers. To alleviate stress that [...]

Effective School Staff Meetings

By |June 26, 2022|Staff Meetings|

As a school administrator, how can you create effective school staff meetings? Likely, you’ve been in all kinds of meetings -- some productive and even inspiring, others...not so much. What makes a great staff meeting? We’d love to hear your thoughts! We’ve collected a list of eight things that can help meetings flow [...]

Why PLCs are Key to Student Success

By |June 26, 2022|Professional Learning Communities, Staff Meetings|

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Why are PLCs important? Is your school a PLC? If you do, what does this look like? More importantly… Does it function well, or is it "just another staff meeting"? Even if your school in particular doesn't "have PLCs" likely you’ve heard of them. Professional Learning Communities. What are [...]

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